Thinking differently about digital sustainability

July 18, 2023

Green Tech South West

In 2019 I co-founded Green Tech South West with Mike Harley and Ellen Davies. Ever since then we’ve done our best to bring interesting speakers from the region to our community, and to provide an opportunity for people interested in all things green tech to network.

We thought we’d hit the jackpot when Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity (and a great many other interesting green endeavours) said yes to coming along to our event. We had the event in the works for well over six months, and as you might imagine we were pretty gutted when he pulled out a few days ahead.

That meant we had to put our Plan B into action which was me! In fact our community were very gracious and kind and I felt so much love and support for stepping up at short notice. It was a very heart warming moment.

Anyway, I gave another rendition of my “Thinking differently about digital sustainability” which I had premiered at UX London in 30 min form. I saw this as an opportunity to iron out a couple of kinks from the first version. It was suppoed to be 30 mins, I ran over a little to 35, so I guess I still have a more kinks to iron out.

But anyway I got lovely feedback on LinkedIn and I think people got something out of it.

For a full write up of the event, along with links to the recording, slides etc, Ellen wrote it all up on our GTSW website.

Thinking differently about digital sustainability


People wrote some really nice things on LinkedIn about this talk and it makes me really happy to know that I introduced some new ideas to people in a way that wasn’t too nerdy.